At Loomis Family Funeral Home, we are available 24 hours a day at (407) 880-1007 we do not have an answering service so you will always be speaking to one of us personally.
If death has just occurred, please accept our condolences and know we will do everything we can to help you through this difficult time.
If a loved one has passed away suddenly or unexpected and had not been under the care of a doctor, call 911. Emergency personal will respond and pronounce death and make the necessary report to the coroner. If your loved one had been under hospice care, call the hospice nurse to pronounce the death.
At any hour of the day or night, we can then come to transfer your loved one into our care. Whatever time is best for you. We can come right away or give you some quiet time alone or to gather other family and friends. We honor your wishes.
Begin determining the arrangements you want. Viewing? Ceremonies? Burial? Cremation? Reception? Our caring staff can guide you through these many options. We will take care of important things like the completion and filing of the death certificate, helping with obituaries, etc.