Olin Scott Gonzalez is preceded in death by his father, Nilo Gonzalez. He was survived in life by his daughters, Jaylen (13) Ava (10) and Ryleigh (6.) His mother Jeree Ellison, his brothers Jason, Chris and Craig. His stepfather Chuck Ellison and his sister Denise.
From the first moment I saw my son, I knew I had felt true unconditional love.
Olin had three basic loves in life. Olin was a true boy. He taught himself at three years of age, to throw the ball at the house and hit it with his bat. So began the love for a sport he would play for decades. First baseball, and then softball. Olin would give all he had to the game. The game treated him well because through it he met many wonderful people with whom he would spend his good days with, how he loved his friends.
As Olin grew up, he found his second true love, his children. Jaylen, Ava, and Ryleigh. Oh how he loved his girls. He took them everywhere with him. He changed them, fed them, and taught them his love for baseball. He played, laughed and purely enjoyed them.
Olin’s third love was his work. He was fortunate enough to work with his hands. Construction became his passion and he took great pride in a job well done. His eyes would light up describing a new build.
Olin lived his life full out! There was no middle ground. All or nothing.
His infectious smile, his amazing green eyes and his wonderful laugh are what will be remembered and missed.
R.I.P my sweet boy. You finally won the race to see your Dad. I will see you again.
My love always,