My dear daughter Ashley, whom I miss so much has left me to touch the face of God.
Ashley shot into the world determined to make her presence felt. She was the best baby, a fun-filled toddler who loved to spend time with her daddy. When Ashley was 3 and half, she was extremely loving to her new baby sister, Brittany. They became inseparable. They did everything together.
She leaves a huge emptiness in the hearts of all of us who loved her, many who were her friends, and even more who just had a glimmer of her through our family. She was only 34, she was bursting with life and we became each other’s best friend
She always told me she would be here to take care of me. I never imagined she would be the one to leave me first. I never thought there would be a last hug, a last kiss, or a last “I Love you.”
She was fun and had a contagious smile and when she allowed herself, she was the life of the party. She wanted to try all things new and was not afraid. Ashley enjoyed life, she loved her family and friends with all she had.